“MEGA MILLIONS MISSION” – MMM (mission for helping millions of people) is not only the title of a book (author by Nicks Tran), not only… “heart command”, but also Nicks Tran’s practical giving actions and the “Kind Heart” work together.
Today, August 5, 2023, we, the “Kind Heart” team had a visit & gave gifts to orphans at Dieu Giac Orphanage (Dieu Giac Pagoda, under the Buddhist Sangha of Vietnam), located in Thu Duc District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Here, currently, 61 orphans are being raised (the youngest is 2 weeks old, the oldest is 18 years old).
How great it is to hear the Nuns share about the “mission”, about the “task” of raising orphans.
There are children who are raised in healthy bodies, there are other children with physical and mental defects. But the Nuns still love & raise them unconditionally, seeing them as their own children.
They still go to school every day. Outside of school hours, the children return to the shelter of love (Dieu Giac Orphanage to study, practice Way & Life and help other children who are younger.
If we can’t see, hear, and feel, then we, very fortunate people, cannot empathize with all the little souls out there who are trying harder every day to live well, live a full human life.
Hopefully, practical volunteering activities like this will be more supported not only in terms of the spirit of knowledgeable brothers and sisters, but also look forward to receiving material contributions for us to continue. spread love, continue… to live is to give, not to keep for yourself, as well as to continue to pursue “the command of the heart” & the philosophy of “GIVE, and it will be GIVEN to YOU”.
Grateful & Regards!!!